February 28, 2010

Addendum to Tier 10 4set bonus

Posted in Theorycrafting tagged , at 2:36 am by shamanrage

I don’t know why I didn’t correct myself earlier because it quickly became apparent that there was a problem with how recount was registering the HoT, but … it’s wrong! As far as I can tell, the overall numbers are correct, however it fails to properly divide what was the direct heal component of Chain Heal and what was from the HoT.

World of Logs seems to do it fine as seen above (Blood-Queen 25 btw).

Getting a “free” 10% healing out of the set bonus is pretty damn amazing no matter how I look at it.

In an unrelated tangent, I’m still struggling with whether or not I want to bother investing in the 264 totem. The only time I find myself casting Riptide on CD is for farmed content — on progression fights I just feel I get much more out of CH spam.

February 7, 2010

Shaman Tier 10 – 4 Set Bonus

Posted in Theorycrafting tagged , at 8:45 pm by shamanrage

Been testing it out for the past couple of days, and it seems that the HoT does stack (and refreshes the timer)! I actually wasn’t expecting this and really does make the 4 set bonus amazing. I don’t have logs available but I do have a screenshot showing Recount results (taken during Blood-Queen 10).

The chance of stacking CH crits it pretty tricky and changes greatly between 10 and 25 man content as well as fight mechanics. One thing I find particularly interesting is the fact that once you get past 60% crit, CH spamming on 3 grouped up tanks in 25 man should have a relatively high % of building up a large number of stacks. Of course RNG makes this a bad idea in the end, but still fun to think about. I’m actually expecting the CH ticks to account for much less in 25 man as the chance of stacking a HoT on a person is just that much lower, but we’ll see.

Either way, now that I’m close to haste cap and I almost have enough mp5, crit has become desirable enough that I can’t see myself getting SP over it.

February 4, 2010

Professor Putricide25 down!

Posted in Raiding tagged , at 4:49 pm by shamanrage

Last week we managed to (mostly,) [sorta,] {sometimes,} consistently push the Prof into phase 3, but a combination of huge cesspits of toxic ooze and bouncing goos (oh and not having a third MS Tank) put an end to our endeavors even when we were so close… Ah, those desperate cries of “400K! more dps!” still resounded in my ears. Until yesterday that is.

When we downed him!

Hahahhaahahahahahahahaa. Read the rest of this entry »

February 3, 2010

Tier 10 and Trauma

Posted in Raiding, Theorycrafting tagged , , at 4:58 pm by shamanrage

With our resident Druid managing to pull 4-5% on Trauma, I really want to try it again once I get Tier 10 – 4set (2 more days!) and build enough haste to soft-cap even without any stats on my weapon (my TOGC10 dagger affords me 70-80 haste depending on gem which is a pretty big loss).

Continuing on about the 4set bonus, it definitely encourages crit. As I shuffle my gear around trying to take advantage of the bonus, due to the clunky nature of stats, I find myself dangerously close to becoming that healer who needs innervates on every CD. Luckily crit does translate into mana, but how well? Quick napkin math based on my WoL spell casts and actual crit %s showed 1% of crit should roughly give me … 3.5mp5. Hardly impressive. Strangely, WoL also shows me getting much, much more mana back from Water Shield than my calculations would imply. Weird. I didn’t OOM during our recent ICC25 run, but that was running with another resto sham AND with a total of 6 healers, so it wasn’t even challenging.

Anyways, depending on my luck with the ICC weeklies, I can look forward to getting the badge 264 cape in just 8 days which hopefully can give me the boost in mp5 that I can comfortably use all my crit gear.

February 1, 2010

Blood-Queen10 Down

Posted in Raiding tagged , at 12:34 pm by shamanrage

Blood-Queen Lana’thel is initially quite challenging but with some careful planning, it can be entirely trivialized. The two most important things to plan out: bite order and positioning. Healer perspective at the end. Read the rest of this entry »